March newsletters were emailed today. I had a few email addresses bounce back. If you did not receive the newsletter today, please call (350-4200 ex. 1200) or email ( so that I can update your email address! Thank you!
Book talks were due today! Only about 1/2 of the class turned one in. If your child did not do one, please turn it in tomorrow! This is the only extension I will give for this assignment. Thank you!
Did you know that you can access school reading programs at home too? These are great resources for reading practice and give your child access thousands of books to read at home! Click links below to go to log on!
Below are some examples of students giving book talks. These are a bit dated, they are from Reading Rainbow, but the summaries they are giving about the books are excellent! When your child writes his/her summary of the book they read, please keep these examples in mind. The idea is to tell a little bit about the book and encourage other students to read the book as well!
In class we have been talking about: 1) A "hook" to start with - something to catch the audience's attention 2) Giving an interesting summary of what the book is MOSTLY about, and 3) Either telling why they liked the book or why someone else should read the book.
I hope this information helps! Please call or email me if you would like more information.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Mural
We teamed up with Mrs. Houschouer's class for a really neat art project for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Each child in both classes used oil pastels to color one 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper. Then we made a huge mural of Martin Luther King, Jr. and hung it up in the hall. Since we are unable to send the final product home I am posting a picture for you to see. It came out really cool! The kids were very proud of their work and enjoyed the collaboration between the two classes!
Enjoy the weekend - it looks like we may actually see some sun!